Monday, March 30, 2009

I love this

I just bought this at and I can't wait to use it. It's called the smart shopper and you say the items you need at the store and it makes categories based on the items you need and prints out a list. How cool is this and it's under $30. Word to your mother!!! I love organization!
Amber Renee'

Menu Planning

My friend Denise has been doing this for awhile, so I decided I would too. I always plan my meals throughout the month. I go grocery shopping about 2 times a month and spend about $300 a month on food. I came to realize after years of eating out, that you can save so much more money when you make food at home instead of going out. Don't get me wrong, we still go out about once a week, but Patrick and I both prefer some home-cookin over some greasy, fatty foods at restaurants. This is what I came up with:

-Flank Steak, veggies, and mac/cheese

-Cube Steak (Shout out to Denise for this recipe..using the crockpot)

-Orange Juice Chicken (Crockpot)

-Cheesy Brat Stew (

Since it's only me and Patrick, this list is probably going to last at least a week and a half because of leftovers from the night before. I will definitely let ya'll know which ones I love and which ones I don't. I might even take pictures of the final product and upload them on here. I hope everyone has a great week. I can't believe it's almost Easter!!!
Amber Renee'

Friday, March 13, 2009

Recession Clothing...

So I follow a lot of blogs, but I absolutely love this blog:

If you haven't read her blog, you sure are missing out. She is so inspirational and just so cute. Two days ago she did a post on recession clothing on a budget and I was tagged to do the same. Kelly dresses so cute and mostly shops only at Walmart, Target, and TJ Max. So here is my spin on recession clothing on a budget...

This is a adorable dress I saw at American Eagle. I would totally wear this during the summer months for sure and it's under 40 dollars. Totally worth it. I shop a lot at American Eagle and they tend to keep up with the ever changing trends. I would probably pair this with some super cute earrings and sandals/flats like these:

The shoes are from Old Navy for under $20 and the earrings are from for under $30. The good things about purchasing accessories like these are that they can go with many outfits not just one or two. I also like this dress:

I think this dress is at American Eagle also. I would definately wear some sort of undershirt under this because I need a little extra coverage up top if you know what I mean. It has lots of fun colors to play with so you can pretty much dress it up with any accessory. Lastly..the dreaded bathing suit:

I love this bathing suit. I will probably buy it this year. It is from American Eagle and is under $40. The back is cut out and has a pin-up style feel to it.
Well that's all for now. It is raining here in Houston and so dark and gloomy. One of my best friend's turn 21 on Monday and was going to have a crawfish boil at her house on Saturday, but it got cancelled due to the 70% chance of rain for tomorrow. So this weekend looks to be kinda boring. Next week, I'm going to see Keith Urban, Taylor Swift, and maybe Brooks and Dunn at the Rodeo. I am so excited to see Keith Urban...he is super sexy. Until next week....
Wet and Over the Rain,

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Random Photo Wednesday!

Isn't it just beautiful? Note to self- Must visit Ireland in the next 5 years!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jason Mesnick-The Stupid Bachelor

I can not even explain the way my feelings have changed for this man. I watched some of the Bachelorette last season and I loved Jason from day one. When ABC announced that Jason would be the new Bachelor, I was so excited for him and hoped that the "Bachelor" curse would be broken. Boy how was I wrong.

From day one of the show, I loved Melissa and Jillian. As I watched the show more and more, I started to dislike Melissa more and like Molly, but I still loved Jillian the most. When he picked Melissa over Jillian, I knew something was up. He acted so interested in Jillian. Well after last night, when he let Molly go and asked Melissa to stay, I thought that was weird too. He kept saying, "When I look into Molly's eyes, I never want to stop." Who says that?
ATFR aired last night my mouth was just wide open. Why would he bring Melissa on this show to break up with her? Why didn't he respect her a little more to not totally embarrass her in front of millions of viewers? Then he and Molly had the nerve to get back together and make out 5 minutes after he ended not only his relationship but his engagement also...who does that? I got totally offended by the way he treated Melissa and the situation. Melissa is right, he should of never proposed to her because she thought of being engaged as a one time thing and he took that away from her. He didn't even fight to make the relationship work with Melissa..what makes Molly think he isn't going to give up on her like he did Melissa?? Also, I think he totally exploited his son Ty....that's wrong in so many ways! A lot of the entertainment news sites are claiming that ABC thought of this scheme from the beginning and that Jason knew he loved Molly when 5 girls were left standing, but they wanted to up their ratings so they told Jason to choose Melissa and make a big announcement during ATFR. So they made this scheme to stir things up. I personally think this is true because of the way Jason was acting...just ridiculous!!!!
So confusing. I guess I will have to watch the 2nd part to ATFR tonight. I have heard rumors that Melissa is back with her ex-boyfriend and Molly is pregnant..but who knows??
I'm just so over the Bachelor. The only way I will ever watch it again is if they bring Jillian back to be the Bachelorette.
