Monday, December 8, 2008

Too Busy

I promise a new post in the next few days. Alot has been going on lately with work and life in general. I am just gearing up for Christmas. To be continued....

Amber Renee'

Friday, November 21, 2008

Found my Camera

Found my camera this morning. It was in Patrick's jacket pocket all this time:)



Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lost Camera

Oregon was beautiful..but super rainy. I got there on Wednesday and by the next morning, some of the local rivers were flooded. I am not talking a couple of inches flooded...more like a foot for one day of rain. I guess since everything up there is super green, the plants require a lot of water. Also, the trees are yellow, orange, and red. We never see trees change to those colors with such intensity in Texas...absolutely breathtaking. This past weekend was fun as well. Friday, I just went and saw some of my friends and drank a couple of beers. Good times with friends. Saturday, we all got together(probably about 25-35 people) and shot some guns. You name the gun and we had it. I totally felt like I was a total hick:)

About the camera...Friday, Sierra was in a random mood and wanted to take 5000 pictures. You should see some of these...much less the video recordings of Mallory and Preston. That is classic. Well after that night of many smiles and sometimes tears shed from laughing so hard, the camera is MIA. I thought I brought it back to our apartment after we left my parents house, but Patrick nor I can find it. I am still looking though. Please pray for the safe return of my poor camera. Ok so I'm going to leave yall with this(got it from Denise)....

1. I've come to realize that my boobs...….are huge melons...seriously I feel like this

2. I've come to realize that my job...….is absolutely amazing and I am so blessed to be doing something I have passion for.

3. I've come to realize that when I'm driving...….I need to slow down and pay more attention to the road

4. I've come to realize that I need...….to find my camera

5. I've come to realize that my heart...….has so much love for my Patrick, friends, and family

6. I've come to realize that I hate it when...….Patrick doesn't pick up after himself

7. I've come to realize that when I'm drunk...….I usually really drunk...never in between

8. I've come to realize that money...….makes me super happy that I spend all of it on shopping and not on bills

9. I've come to realize that certain people...….just use you.

10. I've come to realize that I'll never be...….perfect

11. I've come to realize drugs are...….crazy and cause crazy situations to arise

12. I've come to realize that my best friends...….are the best ever

13. I've come to realize that my cell phone...…is also known as a crackberry

14. I've come to realize when i woke up this morning...….I thought to myself, "Is it really 4:30AM?" Lame

15. I've come to realize that last night before i went to sleep...….I had a horrible headache and Patrick was trying to love on me

16. I've come to realize that right now I am thinking about...….THANKSGIVING

17. I've come to realize that when I get on Myspace...…I always looks at the same people's pages everyday

18. I've come to realize that yesterday...….was way too long at work

19. I've come to realize that today...….I am super tired and never knew a conference call could last 3.5 hours

20. I've come to realize that tonight......I am going to lay around and do nothing but watch my shows on TV

21. I have come to realize that tomorrow...….is Friday..Yipee

22. I've come to realize that I really want to...….work on myself from the inside out

23. I've come to realize that the person who is most likely to repost this...….is gonna enjoy feeling it out like I did.

24. I've come to realize that I love...….everyone close to me

25. I've come to realize that this weekend...….will be super fun like always

26. I've realized the best music to listen to when i am upset...….Jack Johnson because his music always makes me happy

27. I've come to realize that some friends...….really have your best interests at heart

28. I've come to realize that this year...….has blessed me more than I ever thought it would. I am so excited to see how 2009 turns out.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So I am going to Portland, Oregon tomorrow on business. The last time I was there was in August and it was so beautiful, green, and cool(for it being summer). Now I am going in winter, which is going to be cold and blistering...Hopefully it won't be as cold and rainy as I think it's going to be. I will take lots of pics:)


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post Halloween/Election

So....Let me first start off by saying that I do not like the road this country is going down. I personally don't think that Obama has enough experience to lead this country. McCain has, hands down, more experience than Obama and could handle the pressure that ruling this great country requires. So Post-election...I still say McCain is the best man for the job...McCain still rules in my book.

As for Halloween, it was okay. It started off a mess(Halloween Eve-> Not going into detail), but it ended with a wonderful Halloween party over at Scooter's house with lots of friends that I love. This weekend we might be going to Ren. Fest with some friends since the weather is going to be great. Other than that nothing to report...GOD is good.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Walters/Cotlow Wedding

So this weekend was fun and relaxed. I had to work this Friday, so come 3:30 I was beat. Also, I think I did something to the top of my foot. I workout 3-4 times a week and I guess my foot doesn't like all the constant activity. I am making an appointment with my regular doctor to get a referral to a specialist. Saturday, Patrick worked until 3:30 and we had a wedding to go to at 7:30. That is when the church service started.... I don't think I have every went to a wedding that late in the evening. The bride is my boss' daughter and she is absolutely beautiful. They wedding consisted of italian dancing, wine, amazing food, and an aggie alum dance (Didn't know there was such a thing). It's always great to get people together from around the country for such a special occassion. Do I need to mention again that the wine was fantastic. Also...DRUM ROLL....Patrick caught the know what that means??? He is going to be getting married next...I was blushing like no belief after my mom said Patrick just caught the guarder. My boss walked over to me and said, "Dear, it looks like you are next..." Maybe...Hopefully, I mean. I can't wait to plan a wedding and commit myself to Patrick. He is amazing. Sorry I didn't take any pictures...we were running late and we forgot the camera.

Sunday we just layed around until about 1 and then we went to a late lunch to On the Border..I love that place. Then we went to Linens N' Things since they are going out of business. I love kitchen gadgets so I stocked up on things I just wanted not necessarily yankee candles, wall art, a cutting board, and a super soft blanket for the couch.

So this week is just work Monday-Thursday and then off Friday-Sunday. Friday I am going (hopefully) to the doctor and early vote since it's the last day. Don't think I am going to do much this Halloween..maybe hang out with my peeps if they don't go to Austin...oh and watch tons of scarry movies:)

Much Love,


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The start of the rest of my life....

So I have been debating for the last couple of months on if I should really make a blog and put my life out there for all the world to read about. Well I decided that there is not better time than now....So here I am. I am mostly doing this to keep a record of what I did, who I was, and where I went before marriage, children, and old age. I hope I can look back on these journal entries as a mini timeline of my life. How cool would it be to read a book of blogs I wrote at the age of 24 when I am 85...(Now that is what I call a reflection of life!!)

Professionally....I am working at a company I love. When I graduated from college, I thought I wanted a life in some kind of medical sales since I graduated with a Biology degree. After a couple of months of interviews that went no where, I got a phone call from my old boss who said that they had a huge project coming up and they wanted to know if I want a job. I said YES immediately. The company I work for deals mostly with oil, which has nothing to do with my degree, but I absolutely wouldn't want to work anywhere else. After a couple of months and a raise in pay, they decided to keep me on as a regular (not just a person that is doing a project).

Romantically...Patrick and I have been together for almost 3 years(It will be 3 years on Valentines Day). I just love him so much. He is always there when I need him even when he is pretending to listen to me just so I feel better when I'm not having that great of a day. He is my rock and that pretty much sums up who Patrick is. He is amazing and I am super grateful that I found that person to love me regardless of everything crazy life throws at you.

Socially...I just love my friends. They are the most amazing, supportive, and caring people I know. When I think about some of them...they have made me the person I am today. I have known Sierra and Tiffany since the age of 8. To this day, they are my best friends. When I get married, they will be standing right next to me. I have meet a lot of people that have became a staple in my life. Heather is one of those people. She first started out as a girl who was dating my best guy friend, but now she is my best friend. I am still best friends with the guy she dated briefly, but I see her more than I see him...(which we laugh about still to this day).

Wow this post turned out to be a semi-long one...okay hopefully I will keep this updated at least once a week if not more...

Stay Classy,

- A